M'bolo, meaning "togetherness" in the Senegalese language Wolof, embraces this ethos in the creation of their high-octane hybrid of Mbalax and Rock. Lead singer/percussionist Cheikh Ngom began singing, dancing, and playing sabar drums at the age of four in the coastal city of Kaolack, Senegal. After performing throughout Africa and Europe, Ngom arrived in the …
Join Gregory Clarkson, President of Northshore Swing Dance, and Tracey Mitchell for a one hour lesson in East Coast Swing, followed by a dance party where you can try out your new moves. No partner necessary, beginners welcome. Doors open 7pm Lesson 7:30-8:30pm Dance party 8:30-9:30pm $12 presale BUY TICKETS $15 at door B.Y.O.B.
The Somatic Tuesday series continues with its deep dive into the Alexander Technique. Join Larry Young for a group lesson. $15 drop-in/$60 for 5-week series